Admissions Tuition

Tuition Assistance

Why do we offer this?

We believe that families seeking a Christ-centered education for their children should not be denied it on financial grounds. 

"When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality."
Romans 12:13 (NLT)

As such, we have some funds available to support new and existing students whose families have a demonstrated, ongoing financial need, or who find themselves in exceptional situations that impact their ability to cover tuition and other school expenses.  

Where do our funds come from?

VCS is a nonprofit entity that does not receive government funding for tuition assistance. Our tuition assistance fund is managed by the school and is made possible through the generosity and sacrifice of faithful donors and funds allocated within the school’s budget. While we are not able to support every request, we encourage families to apply should their financial situation require it.

(If you are seeking to make a contribution towards the fund, please contact 

How are applications assessed?

VCS is committed to being good stewards of these finite resources, and appreciates that applying families have carefully considered their needs. We respect that no two situations are the same. Our promise is to weigh each application prayerfully and thoroughly. 

The granting of tuition assistance is based partially on the number of tuition assistance applications received each school year, and their objectively assessed need as determined through our tuition assistance application process. VCS utilizes FAST, a financial aid software, to evaluate relevant information and store it securely. 

How can I apply? 

In order to apply for tuition assistance, applicants must be registered VCS students.
(I.e. new families must first successfully complete the admissions process prior to submitting their application for tuition assistance.)

All applications must be submitted through the FAST portal.
(*The link to an updated FAST Portal will be available in late March).

Tip: Feedback from past applicants indicates that the FAST's Worksheet and User Guide is a useful document to review prior to beginning your application.

Key Tuition Assistance Application Deadlines

April 1 - Application for tuition assistance for the upcoming school year opens through FAST

May 17 - Online applications must be completed and submitted

May 24 - All tax returns and required documents must be submitted to FAST
(Please note that tuition assistance for successful applications that are either completed or submitted after May 25 may come into effect after the start of the school year.) 

July 15 - VCS Business Office notifies families of the application outcome

Where should I direct my queries?

If you encounter system-related challenges while submitting your information on FAST, please contact them directly at 1-877-326-FAST (3278). This helpline is manned 24/7, all year.

If you have other questions, or if you are applying outside the April-May window, please reach out to and our team will be happy to assist you.