About Programs

Elementary School

Building Blocks: The Primary Years (K - Grade 5)

VCS is committed to creating a culture where each child is known and loved as a whole person, as well as to providing a strong, consistent program throughout the younger years. These first years of education are the foundation of a successful and positive school experience. With a focus on building strong core skills and confidence, our elementary program is designed to cultivate a love for learning early on.


  • A nurturing and hospitable environment: all children are welcomed and loved.
  • An emphasis on developing social skills that build empathy and responsibility.
  • Character development: knowing who God has called us to be.
  • Bible memory work: imprinting God’s Word in hearts and minds.
  • A phonetics-based spelling program that has stood the test of time, providing essential building blocks for writing, reading, and spelling.
  • Strong literacy skill development using best practices from grade to grade.
  • Critical thinking: taking the time to ask “why?” and “how?”.
  • Strong math computational and problem-solving skills.
  • Integrated and multi-age learning opportunities.
  • Specialized instruction in music, French, and PE.
  • High level of staff collaboration.

Growing and Flourishing: The Middle Years (Grades 6 - 7)

Anyone who has raised a young adolescent knows that he or she is entering a unique period in life, beginning to stretch his or her wings and move towards more independence.  Students begin to ask hard questions about life, as well as to search for their place in the world, and in relationships. The middle years are times of incredible growth - physical, spiritual, intellectual, and social. The VCS Grade 6-7 program is designed to review and solidify the skills that students have learned in the primary years, while giving them the space to explore their talents and discover the person God is calling them to be.  Along with building a strong core of study and learning skills, students are gently encouraged to begin seeing themselves as responsible leaders.


  • A homeroom teacher who knows her/his students well and is passionate about this age group.
  • Specialized teachers in PE, music, art, languages.
  • Skill-building in planning, organization and studying.
  • Increased and graduated independence.
  • Leadership development and opportunities.
  • Thoughtful and responsible approaches to integrating technology and learning.
  • Alpha Course for Youth: An opportunity to explore, challenge and reflect on one's personal faith.
  • A large block of time built into the schedule allowing for units that target the needs of the middle year learner, such as Family Life, Digital Citizenship, and independent interest projects.
  • A disciplined program that builds independence and accountability.
  • Mini-electives; short-term explorations in the Arts.
  • Opportunities for integrated learning.
  • Homework Club to reinforce good learning habits.
  • Enrichment Clubs intended to encourage students to explore their passions, building on their elementary experience.